5 Easy saving tips on energy and water consumption

1. Replace traditional light bulbs by LED lights, reducing your energy consumption to only 16 % of your energy cost per light bulb.

2. Clean AC filters monthly or quarterly, depending on the use, because a dirty filter will result in higher consumption, and also cause more noise. Turn off your AC or set it a few degrees higher when you are not in the room.

3. Adjust your water heater tanks to the season, turning temperatures down in Summer and turn it up during Winter. Or even better, replace old tanks by tankless gas heaters who only consume energy when in use.

4. Repair leaking faucets because a drip of 1 drop per second can waste 250 gallons of water per month.

5. Check your automatic sprinkler system and adjust for rainy days. Make sure all sprinklers are properly working because a broken one will result in a fountain, or pool of water around it. Also set the system to water early in the morning or late at night for the best efficiency so your lawn doesn’t get burned by droplets of water under a scorching sun.